by Grant | Apr 17, 2019 | Alternative Treatments, Holistic Pain Management, Holistic Pain Management Lab, Holistic Pain Management London, Uncategorized
Alternative therapy treatment is an option for those who suffer from pain and are seeking out a new form of treatment to treat and manage it. For anyone who suffers from acute or chronic pain, finding a solution might seem like a challenge. This is true when they feel...
by admin | Jan 28, 2019 | Alternative Treatments, Holistic Pain Management, Holistic Pain Management Lab, Holistic Pain Management London
About Dr Triantafillia Dimou Dr Triantafillia Dimou was born in Karpenisi, Greece, where she studied Medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Dr Dimou specialised and completed her residency as an Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Medicine at...
by admin | Sep 19, 2018 | Holistic Pain Management Lab
Pain Management Centre Utilise the latest treatment methods, developments and unparalleled levels of patient care to manage acute pain of many different kinds. We help and treat patients with acute and chronic pain of many different types and are dedicated to...