The treatment of pain is evolving all the time. Understanding and managing the different types of pain is what we specialise in and we look to ensure the right treatments are offered for every patient. It may take some trial and error but we look to use the most effective and fast-acting treatments to alleviate pain for all of our patients. Our treatment options fall under two main categories: conventional treatments and complementary therapies. Below is a look at what we offer in more depth.
Conventional Treatments
Conventional treatments for pain are tried and tested methods which work for most patients with most types of pain. Not all treatments are suitable, and some patients may be resistant or not respond to a particular treatment, that is why there are more options available. We work to ensure each of our patients gets the right treatment for their condition or type of pain. Treatments include:
Peripheral drug injections
Subarachnoidal drug injection
Spinal cord and peripheral nerve stimulation
Exclusion or destruction of visceral nerves Nerve
Blocking or destruction: other indications
Radio Frequency Application
Complementary Therapies
Complementary therapies are usually offered alongside conventional treatments to offer further pain relief, improve mobility and generally improve the quality of the overall care and management of your pain and symptoms. Some complementary therapies are based on older, traditional types of medicine while others are modern developments and at the Holistic Pain Management Lab we look for the most effective methods to treat each individual patient. We can offer the following complementary therapies:
Ozone therapy