by Grant | Apr 17, 2019 | Alternative Treatments, Holistic Pain Management, Holistic Pain Management Lab, Holistic Pain Management London, Uncategorized
Alternative therapy treatment is an option for those who suffer from pain and are seeking out a new form of treatment to treat and manage it. For anyone who suffers from acute or chronic pain, finding a solution might seem like a challenge. This is true when they feel...
by admin | Mar 24, 2019 | Alternative Treatments, Holistic Pain Management, Holistic Pain Management Lab, Holistic Pain Management London
Ever Thought About Alternative Treatments For Pain Management? Managing pain is unique to each individual patient as there is no single quick fix. While some conditions have specific treatment paths, others don’t, and as pain is experienced differently by all...
by Holistic Lab | Mar 21, 2019 | Holistic Pain Management, Holistic Pain Management Lab
Acute pain is never a long-term condition, but it can make day to day life very difficult. Some people who experience bouts of acute pain need time away from work and can’t get on with their lives as usual. Therefore, appropriate treatment for this kind of pain is...
by Holistic Lab | Mar 14, 2019 | Alternative Treatments, Holistic Pain Management
Patients looking for new ways of treating and managing their pain often turn to complementary medicines and therapies. At the Holistic Pain Management Lab, we offer complementary and alternative medicine in London. Our treatments are an option for patients who may be...
by admin | Jan 28, 2019 | Alternative Treatments, Holistic Pain Management, Holistic Pain Management Lab, Holistic Pain Management London
About Dr Triantafillia Dimou Dr Triantafillia Dimou was born in Karpenisi, Greece, where she studied Medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Dr Dimou specialised and completed her residency as an Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Medicine at...
by Holistic Lab | Jan 14, 2019 | Alternative Treatments, Holistic Pain Management
Living with any level of back pain is a trial, but when it becomes unmanageable then seeking medical help is essential. Alternative pain management for back pain involves looking at a range of therapies to treat the pain and alleviate the symptoms it creates. Back...